read before applying
The Bitforce Jamspace is a community stage where you can star in your very own musical anime: SA-On! We supply the gear, and you shred it up; guitar, drums, bass, keyboard, and mics will be provided. If you have a unique or particular instrument you want to bring, we encourage it! The open jam will be available each day from open until early afternoon. Be sure to check the schedule and coordinate with your friends!
The BFJS will also feature specially scheduled performances by musical guests, DJs, and Idols! We will begin accepting applications for performers starting April 15th, 2023. Be on the lookout for more announcements as we get closer to San Japan 14!
Open Jam Rules:
1. Share The Stage. The open jam is a Jamspace and not a showcase. No Stage Hijacking: Do not ask others to leave the stage so you/your group can perform.
2. Treat the instruments with respect (You are responsible for any damage caused by misuse of the equipment. If you bring an instrument, it cannot be left unattended.)
3. Please do not bring your own amps. (We provide amps for 2 guitars, 1 bass, and 1 keyboard)
4. Don’t overplay
5. Stage Manager(s) have the right to remove musicians/artists at anytime for any cause as they see fit. No abuse will be tolerated.
Featured Performers:
1. You must apply by filling out the application below to be considered to be a featured performer.
2. This is an application process; not every applicant will be selected.
3. If selected to be a featured performer you will receive:
San Japan 3-Day Pass for all Performing Members
A Dedicated Performance Time Slot (30-40 Minute Set)
Temporary Area to Sell Merch
Announcement on Bitforce Social Media Sites
4. Chosen featured performers will be notified via email no later than July 15th, 2023
5. Registration ends June 30th, 2023
Brought to you by your friendly local superhero metal band Bitforce!